K-Cups Keurig, The Original Donut Shop, K-Cup packs
K-Cups Keurig, The Original Donut Shop, K-Cup packs
I must admit that I have gone a little overboard with my k-cup sampling.
So far I must have tried about 50 different blends. OVerall I must
say that the vast majority of them have been pleasant, better than what I
used to make in my coffee brewer. Then I tried the Donut Shop brand.
When I first tried this I was not expecting much, it sounds bland,
plain, everyday type of coffee. Don't get me wrong, I have had some
pretty good cups of coffee in donut shops but nothing to write home
about. When I took my first sip, I thought wow, this is amazing.
Smooth, not much of an acid taste, about as close to perfect as I could
describe. My love for this k-cup continued and continues to this day.
Many times you find a k-cup which at first is very good, but after a
couple of cups you get a little sick of them; not with this one. It has
been and continues to be my absolute favorite. I will still search for
something better, but I doubt I will find it. I hope you like -- no
strike that -- I hope you love this coffee as much as I do.
K-Cups Keurig, The Original Donut Shop, K-Cup packs